Shocker: Religious Right Rejects New Study Showing Key Anti-Birth Control Argument Is Wrong

Religious-right groups have insisted that requiring health insurance to cover birth control at no cost to women will lead to higher incidences of sexual risk-taking and sexually transmitted infections. Now an extensive new study shows those arguments are a load of bunkum. USA Today reports about the study: Women and teen girls participating in a […]

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More Quote Mining from the Anti-Evolution Discovery Institute

The ideologues at the anti-evolution Discovery Institute put a lot of time and resources into pushing an agenda that would undermine the education of children across the country. Then they portray themselves and like-minded activists as somehow persecuted for doing so. They’re really shameless. Case in point: check out the editorial cartoon and quote from […]

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RR Organizers Plan Texas Event Designed to Politicize Churches for Elections

Religious-right organizers are gearing up for another major effort to politicize churches in support of Republican candidates for office. This month they’re targeting Texas pastors. United in Purpose, founded by Silicon Valley venture capitalists in 2011, will host a “Voter Mobilization Strategy Summit” on March 25-26 at a DFW Airport hotel. The event will feature […]

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Texas GOPer Warns of Threat to Nation's 'Christian, Anglo-American Bedrock'

Peter Morrison, the pro-secession and race-baiting treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party in southeast Texas, has released another political screed that portrays white Christians as victims of an increasingly diverse American electorate. And this time he refers darkly to a future in which he and like-minded political activists will be able to “dispatch our […]

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Candidates in Two Texas State Board of Education Primary Contests Head to Runoffs

One of the most divisive members of the Texas State Board of Education‘s far-right faction survived a tough re-election fight in his Republican primary on Tuesday. Candidates in the two other contested primary races for seats on state board are headed to May 27 runoffs. Incumbent David Bradley, R-Beaumont Buna, defeated challenger Rita Ashley of […]

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