Organizing Texans
for Progressive Change

TFN is a statewide, nonpartisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.


We support a well-funded, equitable, and honest public education system where students have everything they need to learn and thrive.


We work for the full equality and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ community so that all Texans can live safely and authentically.


We fight to preserve true religious freedom and church-state separation.


We advocate for permanently legal, safe, and affordable access to abortion and other reproductive health care.

Organizing Texans
for Progressive Change

TFN is a statewide, nonpartisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.


We support a well-funded, equitable, and honest public education system where students have everything they need to learn and thrive.


We work for the full equality and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ community so that all Texans can live safely and authentically.


We fight to preserve true religious freedom and church-state separation.


We advocate for permanently legal, safe, and affordable access to abortion and other reproductive health care.

Texas Freedom Network exists to lift up our communities and state to seek a local government that reflects the people it governs. Together, we’re building a world where people have the freedom to be themselves without feeling targeted.

What We Do

Political Advocacy: We fight for progressive change at the Capitol, the State Board of Education, and in local governments.

Grassroots Organizing: We equip and mobilize Texans to advocate for a state that is safe and equitable for all — and doesn’t just serve those in power.

Far Right Watchdog: We’re the premier organization monitoring far-right issues, groups, money, and leaders in Texas.

Original Research: Our growing research library on church-state and education issues has become invaluable to policymakers.

TFN’s Projects

Texas Rising

Texas Rising is building the power of young people of color to develop as leaders and organize around voting rights, immigration, climate justice, criminal justice reform, reproductive rights, and LGBTQIA+ equality.

Just Texas

We are building a grassroots movement of progressive people of faith and faith leaders from diverse religious traditions to speak publicly and politically in support of reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion, and LGBTQIA+ equality for all Texans.

Texas Rising

Texas Rising is building the power of young people in our communities and at the ballot box. Our program organizes and builds power with young people of color in a multi-issue, intersectional social justice framework.

Just Texas

We are building a grassroots movement of progressive people of faith and faith leaders from diverse religious traditions to speak publicly and politically in support of reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion, and LGBTQIA+ equality for all Texans.

Join the Movement

TFN is a grassroots network of more than 150,000 individuals throughout Texas. Help make Texas a better place! Sign up for updates and opportunities to get involved.

More Ways to Help

Building a Progressive Movement. Making a Lasting Impact.

Your donation to the Texas Freedom Network provides critical resources to champion progressive values at the Texas Legislature, State Board of Education, and in communities across the state.

Due to our hard-hitting political activism, contributions to the Texas Freedom Network are not tax-deductible. Make a tax-deductible donation to the TFN Education Fund.

Building a Progressive Movement. Making a Lasting Impact.

Your donation to the Texas Freedom Network provides critical resources to champion progressive values at the Texas Legislature, State Board of Education, and in communities across the state.

Due to our hard-hitting political activism, contributions to the Texas Freedom Network are not tax-deductible. Make a tax-deductible donation to the TFN Education Fund.

Latest News from TFN

State of the State 2025
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Texas Freedom Network press conference on September 10, 2024
A group of public education advocates at a Galveston ISD school board meeting
2022 Transgender Day of Visibility Rally

Support Community Action. Give to Our Rapid Response Fund!