Planned Giving

Supporting Texas Freedom Network and Texas Freedom Network Education Fund can mean something different to all of us. Pushing back against the radical right. Standing up for public education, abortion access, LGBTQ equality, and voting rights. Electing progressive candidates up and down the ballot. Amplifying faith voices in support of social justice. Building power for those that will inherit Texas. Your gift makes a big difference to us.

Making a planned gift to the Texas Freedom Network can provide a meaningful opportunity to advance the values that have been most important to you in your life.

You can include TFN as a beneficiary in your will, set up a charitable gift annuity, name TFN as a beneficiary in a living trust, or make a gift of stock. Gifts can provide you an income your lifetime; can be flexible enough to provide for your loved ones and your favorite causes; and/or can help you or your family save on capital gains and other taxes.

For more information on how you can become a Legacy Society supporter and include Texas Freedom Network in your estate plans, please make your selection below.

Bequests to the Texas Freedom Network

The most common planned gift is a bequest through your will or living trust. You can arrange a gift of a specific amount, a percentage, or even all or part of the residuum of your estate. If you would like to make such a gift to Texas Freedom Network or the TFN Education Fund, your attorney may wish to include language similar to the following:
“I hereby direct $___________ (or ____ percent of my residual estate) in cash, securities, or other property to the Texas Freedom Network to be used for its general purposes.”

Donate Stocks or Securities

The gift of an appreciated asset is a powerful way to support Texas Freedom Network or the TFN Education Fund’s critical work.

By transferring stock or mutual funds to the Texas Freedom Network, a 501(c)(4) organization, you do not have to pay capital gains taxes on the stock, but you are not eligible for a charitable deduction for the value of the stock itself.

By making a gift of appreciated securities to the TFN Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, you will avoid paying capital gains tax on all stock that you choose to donate and you are eligible for a charitable deduction on the full fair market value of your gift.

To learn more, download our stock transfer form, or contact Development Director Shannon Young at [email protected].

Retirement Plans

Name Texas Freedom Network or the TFN Education Fund as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified plan. You may designate the organization to receive all or a portion of the balance of your plan through your plan administrator.

Make a gift through your retirement plan today through an IRA Rollover. Use your Traditional IRA to make your charitable gifts to the TFN Education Fund.

Information for Lawyers and Executors

If you are an attorney or advisor working on the estate plans of a client or if you are an executor working on an estate in probate, please contact our Development Department at 512-322-0545 or direct your email to Development Director Shannon Young at [email protected].

In addition, you may need the following information:

Plan a gift to the Texas Freedom Network

Legal Name
Texas Freedom Network
Legal Address
P.O. Box 1624, Austin, Texas 78767
Tax I.D./Employer Identification Number
Nonprofit Status
Texas Freedom Network is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Contributions to TFN are not tax-deductible.

Plan a gift to the TFN Education Fund

Legal Name
Texas Freedom Network Education Fund
Legal Address
P.O. Box 1624, Austin, Texas 78767
Tax I.D./Employer Identification Number
Nonprofit Status
Texas Freedom Network Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Contact the TFN Office

Please contact Development Director Shannon Young at [email protected], or or contact the Development Office at 512-212-5031, with questions or to pledge a planned gift.

Note: We strongly encourage you to discuss your tax situation with an attorney or accountant.