Right-wing Candidate for Texas Ed Board Isn’t Happy with TFN

We told you last week about the outrageous things Texas State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner publicly claims on her Facebook page. Among them: that President Obama was a gay prostitute so that he could fund his drug addiction, that Democrats conspired to assassinate President Kennedy, that evolution “is a religious philosophy … supporting the religion of […]

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Louie ‘Terror Babies’ Gohmert Blames It All on Undocumented Immigrants. Shocking. (Not.)

It seems East Texas Congressman Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert, R-Tyler, thinks he knows why government spends so much money: it’s all those damn brown people who keep coming across the border without papers. Speaking on the Fox News program Varney & Co. this morning, Gohmert had this to say about government spending: .@replouiegohmert: “As far as […]

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It’s Past Time to End the Silence about Your Offensive ‘Blood Brother,’ Gov. Abbott

Ted Nugent, the aging right-wing rocker who prominently campaigned with Greg Abbott and calls the Texas governor a “blood brother,” is getting a heap of criticism for a vicious Facebook post on Monday. Nugent’s post, which includes an image apparently used on anti-Semitic websites, calls prominent Jewish Americans “punks” and claims that they “hate freedom” because they support gun safety laws. Nugent’s post includes […]

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Far-Right Texas Pastor Jeffress: Obama Is ‘Defender-in-Chief of Islam’

Robert Jeffress, the far-right Dallas pastor who thinks President Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist, is troubled that the president visited a Baltimore mosque this week to express his opposition to bigotry and discrimination targeting Muslim Americans. After Jeffress spoke on Fox News today, the network tweeted some of his comments, including: .@robertjeffress: Pres. […]

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