Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who’s fighting it out with Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, can’t understand why ESPN fired baseball analyst Curt Schilling for posting this on his Facebook page: […]
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz: A True ‘Champion’ of ‘Religious Liberty’
Ted Cruz needs to just get it over with and start doing air quotes every time he utters the term “religious liberty.” Or at least have a staffer stand next to him, ready to flash a cardboard sign with an asterisk every time he says it. Here was Cruz on “Good Morning America” on Monday: […]
Cruz Tries to Out-Trump Donald Trump
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in full desperation, has apparently decided that the only way to catch Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary race is to out-Trump Trump or to at least match him blow by extremist blow. Early this morning, terrorists struck a train station and an airport terminal in Brussels, Belgium, killing dozens […]
Ted Cruz Shows Trump’s Campaign Doesn’t Have a Monopoly on Hate
As Donald Trump swept most of the Republican presidential primaries on Tuesday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tried to portray himself as the only real alternative for GOP voters. But Cruz didn’t spend much (if any) time criticizing the Trump campaign for its hateful divisiveness. There’s a reason for that: Cruz’s campaign is infected with the same […]
So Is Ted Cruz Running for President or Priest?
Here is Heidi Cruz on Wednesday, putting husband Ted Cruz’s race for president in, well, godly terms: “When I thought about doing it for our country, it became very clear to me that our family must be in this race. We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this […]