Do Texas Eagle Forum and Empower Texans Hate America?

We often hear right-wing groups claim that liberals lack sufficient respect for the principles and rights enshrined in America’s founding documents. The protection of inherent freedoms, they argue, makes the United States exceptional among the nations. So we think it’s a bit ironic to see Texas Eagle Forum, Empower Texans and other groups on the […]

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2014 Elections: Three Contested Primaries in Texas SBOE Elections

The deadline for filing to run for state office in Texas in 2014 was last Friday. Six of seven incumbents are seeking re-election to the Texas State Board of Education, and two of them face opposition in their party primaries. A third contested primary is for a seat in which the incumbent is not seeking […]

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David Barton Lies Again about President Obama's Thanksgiving Messages

Yeah, we’re shocked. Shocked! David Barton, the phony historian and head of Texas-based WallBuilders, is once again repeating the zombie lie that President Obama doesn’t mention God in his Thanksgiving proclamations. That’s simply not true, as we pointed out last year. Our friends at Right Wing Watch report, Barton addressed the issue again with Andrew […]

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Are Anti-Muslim Activists Targeting Next Year’s Social Studies Textbook Adoption in Texas?

With the science textbook adoption mostly behind them, State Board of Education (SBOE) members are turning their attention to next year’s adoption of new social studies textbooks for Texas public schools. And we’re already seeing right-wing activists preparing to turn that adoption into another “culture war” battleground. Circulating among tea party and other right-wing activists in […]

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