Texas Home-School Lobby Group Misleads Parents as It Promotes the Culture Wars

The Texas Home School Coalition is a religious-right front group more interested in promoting a political agenda and fighting the culture wars than in ensuring kids get a good education. An email today from the group’s leader, Tim Lambert, demonstrates that point pretty clearly. The email to the group’s list touts a series of events around the state designed to rally opposition to protecting […]

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Public Education Hater Rick Santorum to Speak at Texas Home School Coalition Gala

It’s one thing to support the right of parents to educate their own children at home. But are right-wing groups like the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) simply hostile to the concept of public education altogether? Sure seems like it considering that former Pennsylvania senator and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be the […]

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Do Texas Eagle Forum and Empower Texans Hate America?

We often hear right-wing groups claim that liberals lack sufficient respect for the principles and rights enshrined in America’s founding documents. The protection of inherent freedoms, they argue, makes the United States exceptional among the nations. So we think it’s a bit ironic to see Texas Eagle Forum, Empower Texans and other groups on the […]

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