Always Something to Complain About

Religious-righters warned that the repeal of the ban on openly gay servicemembers in the U.S. military would bring about all kinds of terrible things. Of course, none of that happened. In fact, the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy seems to have actually helped the military. Even so, critics continue to scramble for […]

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Hmmm… Did Trail Life USA Think This One Through?

Back to homepage UPDATE: The Trail Life USA board chairman is disputing the original news article’s caption for this photo. That Associated Press caption said the photo showed Trail Life USA members saluting while they recite their organization’s creed. Trail Life USA’s board chairman, John Stemberger, says these members were actually following a Boy Scout […]

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Texas Religious-right Politicians Fall Prey to Scam by 'Godly Man'

Oh, the irony. The Dallas Morning News reports that four Texas politicians — politicians often aligned with religious-right groups that use faith as a political weapon — were among the victims of a Ponzi-like scheme run by a North Texas businessman. It seems they trusted the scammer because he appeared to be a good Christian and […]

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Texas Politicians Make the Case for Upholding State Bans on Interracial Marriage

In some ways, at least, that’s what it has sounded like since U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia on Wednesday struck down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage. If many of  the complaints we heard from politicians and activists on the right sounded familiar, they should have: they’re essentially the same ones Americans heard when the […]

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Pastor: Federal Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage in Texas Is Historic for Both Religious Freedom and Civil Liberties

We just sent out the following press release about today’s historic federal court ruling that strikes down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage: The Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune, pastor of Austin’s University Baptist Church and a member of the Texas Freedom Network Board of Directors, has the following statement following today’s ruling by U.S. District […]

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