The Hate Is Strong with This One

Religious-right leader Robert Jeffress, pastor of a Dallas megachurch, told listeners of a Family Research Council radio program Monday that protecting transgender people from discrimination means America is “headed toward chaos” and represents “rebellion against the plan of God.” Our friends at Right Wing Watch report how Jeffress insisted that anti-discrimination efforts are a threat to religious freedom, and he specifically […]

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Patrick Calls Transgender Student Rights Debate a ‘Come and Take It Moment’

This morning the U.S. Department of Education issued a letter to public school districts across the country advising them that federal law requires them to protect transgender students from discrimination and allow them to use bathrooms and locker rooms “consistent with their gender identity.” Naturally, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who has been on potty patrol every […]

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It’s hard to imagine a more disgraceful demonstration of ignorance, fear-mongering and bullying. That’s what we’re seeing as one of the state’s highest elected officials joins with religious-right groups in demanding that the Fort Worth Independent School District rescind a policy allowing transgender students to use the restroom in peace. […]

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