When Perry’s Allies Attack: VVS Edition

Where was Gov. Rick Perry this past weekend when two prominent supporters brandished faith as a weapon and went on the attack against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney? The answer to this question is at the end of this post. But first, the Values Voter Summit. This year’s VVS — held this past weekend in […]

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Carona: Reject the Plate, Read a Book

The controversy over the proposed Texas Confederate license plate we told you about earlier this year is back in the news. And one Republican state legislator has penned an open letter to Gov. Rick Perry, asking him to quash the controversy. The letter by state Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas, reminds us what the Confederate flag […]

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Perry Sticking with Fischer, the AFA

Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential campaign is not going through the best of times right now. After an initial splash that sent Texas’ longest-serving governor to the top of the Republican presidential polls, the campaign has stumbled through a series of gaffes and lackluster debate performances. So Gov. Perry this week will go back to the […]

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