Rick Perry’s New Campaign Hire Thinks God Doesn’t Want Women to Be Leaders

Rick Perry has left the Texas governor’s office behind, but he still likes associating with religious-righters who want to take America back to the 1950s (or further). The Des Moines Register in Iowa reports that Perry has hired an ordained minister and radio broadcaster with ties to religious-right activists to serve as senior director on his upcoming […]

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Adios: Gov. Perry’s Top Religious-Right Moments

Gov. Rick Perry will officially become the former governor of Texas this Tuesday at noon when he hands over the keys to the governor’s mansion to Greg Abbott. And thus will end Rick Perry’s governorship after 14 years and change. Before he goes, let’s take a few minutes to look back at Gov. Perry’s most […]

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And This Matters How?

The religious right’s response to the indictments against Gov. Rick Perry has at times been comical. We’re not going to get into the details of the legal case against Gov. Perry itself — it’s not our thing here at TFN, and we’re not a law firm. What is our thing is monitoring and reporting on […]

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Rick Perry's Cynical Explanation

Texas Gov. Rick Perry got a lot of criticism earlier this month when he compared homosexuality to alcoholism while answering questions at an event in San Francisco: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding […]

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Rick Perry Hopes Folks Will Forget His Gay-Bashing History

Defending his offensive remarks comparing gay people to alcoholics, Gov. Rick Perry on Monday dug himself an even deeper hole. He even tried to dismiss his rancid history of pandering to religious-righters by bashing the LGBT community. CNBC’s “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernan told Perry how offensive his most recent remarks were: “I have a really high bar for what […]

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