Banned Books Week

A few weeks ago we told you about the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer’s claim that the Bible is the only book banned in the country’s public schools.

Fischer has obviously not been to Texas where a course on the Bible is offered as an elective. Wait. He actually has been to Texas. Fischer was at Reliant Stadium on Aug. 6 for a prayer event the AFA held in conjunction with Gov. Rick Perry, the man who signed the Bible elective legislation into law.

But in any case, we’re nearing the end of Banned Books Week 2011 and we would encourage TFN Insider readers to pick up a banned book and read. We’ll remind you that in some cases, the people who would call for a book ban are the same people who would support the far-right shenanigans at the Texas State Board of Education and the state Capitol that TFN works to stop.

The American Library Association has a list of the books most often challenged in the United States during the last 10 years. Spoiler alert: none of the books on the list is the Bible.

If you’re interested in Texas-specific information, the ACLU of Texas has released its annual report (PDF) on books banned in the state’s public schools. Spoiler alert #2: none of the books banned in Texas is the Bible.

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