Tony Tinderholt’s Defense of Marriage(s)

On Wednesday, state Rep. Tony Tinderholt, R-Arlington, filed a complaint with the State Commission on Judicial Conduct against state District Judge David Wahlberg. The alleged wrongdoing? That Wahlberg issued the order that allowed Suzanne Bryant and Sarah Goodfriend to obtain a marriage license, making them the first same-sex couple to legally marry in Texas. Quorum […]

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An Invitation and a Word on Alabama

  What: Faith Advocacy Day When: Feb. 17, 1pm (begin gathering at 12:45pm) Where: North steps of the Capitol in Austin Same-sex marriage became legal in Alabama this morning, the 37th state where such is the case. Overnight many of the headlines have centered around Roy Moore, the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court […]

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Molly White’s Many Clarifications

State Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, is sticking to her guns and not apologizing for anti-Muslim comments she made on Facebook a week ago. So maybe it’s time to put a final period on this whole thing. For now. Maybe. We know White is not apologizing because she’s pretty much said so in several attempts to […]

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While We Wait …

On Facebook Sunday afternoon, state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, wrote that some time today she would publish a “response to the controversy that occurred” when she offered comments about Muslims in an earlier Facebook post. While we wait for her to do that, here’s Rep. White struggling to explain her comments in an interview with […]

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Texas Muslim Capitol Day and State Rep. Molly White

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal along with analyst Steve Emerson and others at Fox News have been almost universally shamed and criticized for making unfounded claims of “Muslim no-go zones” spreading throughout Europe, places which, according to the two men, are off-limits to non-Muslims. Turns out Jindal and Emerson were looking in the wrong place. Muslim […]

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