Islam According to WallBuilders

Those WallBuilders folks exaggerate and distort reality so much that even fellow religious-righters sometimes have to correct them. Take, for example, Tuesday’s WallBuilders Live! radio program, hosted by David “Separation of Church and State Is a Myth” Barton and sidekick Rick “Texas Supreme Court Justice Wannabe” Green. […]

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Stand Up for Stem Cell Research in Texas

Want to learn more about stem cell therapies and current research? Our friends at Texans for Stem Cell Research are hosting a series of educational events focused on this promising medical research. The next event, on Tuesday, April 19, in Austin, features Dr. Sean Savitz, director of Cellular Therapy and Translational Stroke Research at the […]

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Clean Up the Law: Protect the Rights of All

A Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial today says it’s past time for Texas legislators to remove from the law books the state’s sodomy statute, which the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional in 2003. Two bills, HB 604 by state Rep. Jessica Farrar and HB 2156 by state Rep. Garnet Coleman, would repeal the sodomy statute. They […]

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Race and the Texas Social Studies Standards

A screed published Friday on a San Antonio Express-News blog provides a good example of why it’s a bad idea to turn over to political activists decisions about what our kids learn in their public schools. In his post, Bill Ames lashes out at critics of the heavily politicized new social studies curriculum standards the […]

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