The Christian Coalition on Geritol?

Young people have been turning away in larger numbers from the extremism, hate and intolerance of the religious right in recent years. In 2008, for example, polling showed that Barack Obama doubled his support among young evangelicals compared to John Kerry’s performance with the same group in the 2004 presidential election. From a New York […]

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David Barton Promotes Vicious Column Attacking President Obama’s Religious Faith

David Barton claims Christians are under attack in America, but he doesn’t seem to have a problem with fellow extremists who promote religious bigotry. A Twitter post from Barton pointed us today to a Washington Times column from Matt Barber of the right-wing, virulently anti-gay group Liberty Counsel. Liberty Counsel is based in Florida but […]

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The Right’s Falsehoods and Distortions in the War on Birth Control

In the religious right’s war on science and modern medicine, truth apparently is merely an inconvenience that can be cast away with no regard. An email today from FRC Action (a group affiliated with the right-wing Family Research Council) repeats the falsehood that emergency contraception drugs cause abortions. The email urges activists to insist that […]

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Equality Project Training Opportunity Focuses on LGBT Issues

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund is proud to co-sponsor with Equality Texas Foundation a special Equality Project Training opportunity for Central Texas activists on June 16 in La Grange. Equality Project is a public education and civic engagement program on policy issues related to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) citizens […]

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