2013 in Quotes: Anti-Obama Derangement Syndrome

The right’s loathing for President Obama knows no bounds. The venom flows on everything from health care reform to the president’s alleged support for radical Islam. Five years into the current administration, anti-Obama derangement syndrome continued to rage throughout the political right in 2013. Click here to read other summaries of the outrageous things we heard […]

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2013 in Quotes: The Mythical 'War on Christmas' and Related Silliness

The right’s campaign to end the mythical “war on Christmas” started early this year when the Texas Legislature passed an unnecessary bill telling students and teachers that they could do something the First Amendment already allowed — wish others Merry Christmas. The war on “Happy Holidays” went downhill from there. Click here to read other summaries […]

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Texas Sen. Dan Patrick Thinks God Speaks Through Duck Dynasty Star

Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, one of three Republicans trying to unseat David Dewhurst as lieutenant governor next year, thinks he knows what God wants people to hear. Lone Star Q reports that Patrick was a guest Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show, a radio program on KFYO in Lubbock. Patrick weighed in on recent controversial comments […]

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