The (Possible) Return of Wayne Christian

The religious right had a decent Tuesday night in Texas. There was state Sen. Dan Patrick, easily beating his opponents and forcing a runoff against incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. In his race, Sid Miller was the top vote-getter in the agriculture commissioner’s race. Sure, Steve Stockman was soundly beaten in the U.S. Senate primary, […]

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Texas Religious-right Politicians Fall Prey to Scam by 'Godly Man'

Oh, the irony. The Dallas Morning News reports that four Texas politicians — politicians often aligned with religious-right groups that use faith as a political weapon — were among the victims of a Ponzi-like scheme run by a North Texas businessman. It seems they trusted the scammer because he appeared to be a good Christian and […]

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Defeated Lawmaker Promotes Creationist for Texas Education Commissioner

It’s bad enough that the State Board of Education has become a heavily politicized, dysfunctional embarrassment for Texas. Now religious-righters want control of the Texas Education Agency as well. State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, wants Gov. Rick Perry to appoint SBOE member Charlie Garza, R-El Paso, as the state’s education commissioner and head of TEA. […]

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Two Right-Wing Texas Legislators Went Down to Defeat This Week

Tuesday’s Republican Primary elections in Texas brought the defeat of one prominent member of the far-right faction on the State Board of Education — Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas. But two other Texas politicians prominent on the far right also appear to have been too extreme even for GOP voters. One was state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, […]

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Congrats, Rep. Christian!

We were perusing through the far-right Texas Eagle Forum’s website the other day and found this: The Eagle Forum’s legislative scorecard for the 82nd Legislature that concluded mid-summer. Ranking as the most conservative on the Eagle Forum’s list, and the only legislator — in the House or Senate — to receive a 100 percent rating […]

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