When supporters of anti-LGBT discrimination succeeded in repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance with their dishonest and disgraceful “sexual predators in bathrooms” myth, we all knew that the religious right would use the same tactic elsewhere. In fact, North Carolina lawmakers have used it to justify a sweeping new law in their state sanctioning discrimination against LGBT people. But check […]
The Knives Are Out in Eagle Forum Power Struggle
Donald Trump’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has been exposing fissures in the network of right-wing pressure groups that have long supported the GOP. Now a prominent Texas GOP and religious-right activist seems to be playing a key role in behind-the-scenes intrigues that are fueling charges of conspiracy and betrayal. […]
Ken Paxton, Obsessed with Defending Discrimination, Is Politicizing the Texas Attorney General’s Office
Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller warned today that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is further politicizing the state’s chief law enforcement agency with the appointment of yet another prominent culture warrior to a top staff position in his office. […]
The Lies They Tell II
So not only are religious-right groups lying about why they support North Carolina’s anti-LGBT discrimination law, they also appear to be exaggerating when making claims about who else supports it. […]
The Lies They Tell
The backlash from business and civil liberties advocates over North Carolina’s new law encouraging discrimination against LGBT people is getting bigger and hotter. So religious-right groups are focusing their efforts in support of the law on the same dishonest and disgusting argument they used to defeat the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance — that barring discrimination against transgender people endangers women […]