Almost Everyone Condemns Trump’s Abortion Comments

Donald Trump drew fire yesterday, and is still drawing fire today, for his comments on abortion. During a town hall event on MSNBC, Trump told the network’s Chris Matthews that there “has to be some form of punishment” for women who obtain an abortion should the procedure ever become illegal. Trump has since tried to […]

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Texas Religious-Right Group’s Ridiculous Rant: Mickey Mouse Is Coming for Your Crosses

This is just plain Goofy. After Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto on Monday of a bill that would have encouraged individuals and businesses to use religion as cover to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, a Dopey religious-right group in Texas is warning that Disney could soon ban Christian crosses from its theme parks. Here’s an excerpt from the […]

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Texas Policy Adviser for Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity: Islam Is a Pile of Excrement

Following the terrorist attack by Islamist extremists targeting Christians in Lahore, Pakistan, on Easter Sunday, we’re seeing the usual attempts to make sweeping judgments of all Muslims. For example, Peggy Venable — Texas policy director and senior states policy advisor for Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing public policy group founded and funded by billionaire brothers David and Charles […]

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Texas Ed Board Chair Ignores a Key Problem in Discussion about Textbooks

Donna Bahorich, chair of the State Board of Education, is missing a key problem in defending how new history textbooks in Texas public schools cover the experience of African Americans after the Civil War. By focusing just on the textbooks, she ignores how politicized curriculum standards adopted by the state board distort the teaching of history in Texas public schools. […]

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