Texas Legislator Confirms: ‘Yes, I Hate Islam’

Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, lost her re-election bid in the Republican primary on March 2, but she’s still reinforcing her reputation as one of the Legislature’s biggest Islamophobes. Wednesday night she posted on her official Facebook page a link to a video featuring Brigitte Gabriel, one of the most vicious anti-Muslim extremists in America today. In […]

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One Less Islamophobe In Office

Goodbye, Molly White. The Republican Texas House member from Belton lost her re-election bid when she was defeated in her party primary Tuesday by Hugh Shine. (White has asked for a recount.) Some Texas politicians haven’t exactly been friendly to Muslims. For instance, every single session, we have to fight a “Sharia law” bill or […]

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Anti-Muslim Texas Legislator Wants President Obama Arrested for Treason

Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, thinks it’s time for Congress to impeach President Obama. From her Facebook page on Monday: “If Obama entertains the MB [Muslim Brotherhood, presumably], arms terrorist, ignores terroristic attacks on American soil, appoints Muslims to serve on Homeland security positions, releases terrorists from Gitmo… Shouldn’t he be arrested and tried […]

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Molly White’s Many Clarifications

State Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, is sticking to her guns and not apologizing for anti-Muslim comments she made on Facebook a week ago. So maybe it’s time to put a final period on this whole thing. For now. Maybe. We know White is not apologizing because she’s pretty much said so in several attempts to […]

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While We Wait …

On Facebook Sunday afternoon, state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, wrote that some time today she would publish a “response to the controversy that occurred” when she offered comments about Muslims in an earlier Facebook post. While we wait for her to do that, here’s Rep. White struggling to explain her comments in an interview with […]

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