Far-Right Texas Pastor Jeffress: Obama Is ‘Defender-in-Chief of Islam’

Robert Jeffress, the far-right Dallas pastor who thinks President Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist, is troubled that the president visited a Baltimore mosque this week to express his opposition to bigotry and discrimination targeting Muslim Americans. After Jeffress spoke on Fox News today, the network tweeted some of his comments, including: .@robertjeffress: Pres. […]

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David Barton Gives Platform to Notorious Anti-Muslim Hysteric Who Hosted White Nationalist

Phony historian and religious-right pooh-bah David Barton and his sidekick Rick Green (who is seeking a seat on the Texas Supreme Court) hosted one of the country’s most notorious anti-Muslim hysterics on their radio program this week. The WallBuilders Live! program Monday and Tuesday featured a discussion with Frank Gaffney, a man the Southern Poverty Law Center compares to the […]

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2015 in Quotes: Anti-Islam Hysteria

The anti-Muslim hysteria on the right got especially venomous this year in large part because some politicians appear to believe they have more to gain by demonizing and attacking Muslims than in standing up for the fundamental American and constitutional principle of religious freedom. And, of course, right-wingers almost couldn’t help themselves in linking their hatred of Muslims […]

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Travis County GOP Promotes Anti-Muslim Screed That Also Calls George W. Bush a ‘Coward and Traitor’

The Travis County Republican Party here in Austin dived into the deep end of the crazy pool Monday evening: The tweet (which was removed late this morning) links to a blog post on the Conservative Daily News website. The hate-filled screed starts this way: “Christianity is a religion but Islam is merely a satanic cult of rape, torture, murder, bestiality, and satan worship!!!!!” […]

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Defending the Indefensible

It didn’t take long for the wackaloons on the right to start defending the arrest of a 14-year-old Muslim student in the North Texas city of Irving for making a clock and bringing it to show his teachers. But it was so predictable. Anti-Muslim hysteric Alice Linahan here in Texas is using social media in an aggressive defense of Ahmed […]

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