Anti-abortion Extremists Are Repeating the Same Mistruths about Last Year's 'People's Filibuster'

One year after the Texas Legislature passed some of the most extreme anti-abortion legislation in the nation, religious-right groups still treat supporters of women’s reproductive health care with open contempt. Today, for example, The Justice Foundation — a radical anti-abortion group based in San Antonio — sent out a nasty press release attacking the thousands of Texans who […]

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#FightBackTX: Stand Up for Women's Access to Abortion Care

Last summer, thousands of Texans flooded the state Capitol to oppose politicians who talk about freedom but then force ideological agendas on women and undermine their access to reproductive health care. Right-wing politicians and other extremists viciously derided those thousands of Texans who joined the “citizens’ filibuster” at the Capitol. They called supporters of women’s access to abortion care […]

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It's Time to #FightBackTX

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since thousands of orange-clad Texans made the walls of the Capitol rumble with our protests against politicians forcing their ideological agendas on the women of Texas. History has now proven that, despite what those politicians said, their efforts sought to do only one thing: close abortion clinics. […]

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Why Has the National Abortion Rate Declined?

A new study from the Guttmacher Institute shows that the nation’s abortion rate in 2008-11 fell to its lowest level since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing the procedure across the country. What’s behind the decline? From Guttmacher’s press release: “With abortion rates falling in almost all states, our study did not […]

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The far right’s determination to demean and destroy its opponents knows no bounds, apparently. In fact, the “Abortion Barbie” attacks on state Sen. Wendy Davis began shortly after her courageous filibuster last summer. But this image is a twofer for race-baiters and activists in the war on women. Truly vile. We have no intention of […]

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