House Reaffirms Strong Opposition to Vouchers in Texas with Overwhelming Vote

House Reaffirms Strong Opposition to Vouchers in Texas with Overwhelming Vote FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 2009 Tonight the Texas House of Representatives voted 122-22 to bar any public funding for private school vouchers in Texas. TFN President Kathy Miller released the following statement: “We saw schemes to drain money from public schools to pay […]

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Stem Cells, Vouchers Could See House Votes

The Texas House of Representatives today is taking up the state’s budget bill. Yesterday the Texas Freedom Network sent out the following Action Alert: Upcoming House Budget Debate Will Include Critical Votes on Stem Cell Research and Vouchers Two crucially important issues will be debated when the Texas House of Representatives takes up the state budget (SB […]

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Texas, Science and ‘Dog-Cats’ in the News

We suppose having a sense of humor is important when elected officials are turning your state into a national laughingstock. Religion Dispatches offers a shocking photo of the rare “dog-cat” that Texas State Board of Education member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, must have been talking about during the recent debate over teaching about evolution. Mercer […]

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Is Gov. Perry Proud of Unhinged Extremism?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry really seems comfortable around some rather apocalyptic types these days. Case in point: FOX News commentator Glenn Beck. Beck has sounded almost unhinged lately. Earlier this month, he shrieked that America is headed toward fascism. He even claims a symbol on the Mercury Dime — introduced into the U.S. currency in […]

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