El Paso Church Goes Political

Churches and religious organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. The above is from the Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations. Pretty straight-forward. So how does that jibe with […]

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Exclusive ‘Revisionaries’ Clip and Premiere Details

The culture wars at the Texas State Board of Education have been so intense that they made a movie about them. Sadly, this isn’t fiction. We’ve told you before about “The Revisionaries,” the feature documentary from Texas director Scott Thurman, but we’re happy to bring you news that TFN will be premiering the film in […]

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Next Week: Women’s Health Program Hearing

Before you head out for the long weekend, put this on your calendar for next week: Proposed changes to the Texas Medicaid Women’s Health Program get a public hearing in Austin next Tuesday afternoon. Here are the when and where details. There are real questions about whether this successful program, which provides basic health and […]

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