Even Fox News Gets It

When it comes to Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk now in jail for refusing to federal obey a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, even some of the folks at Fox News are getting it right. Here is commentator Gregg Jarrett speaking in a Fox News panel discussion he hosted on Monday: “When […]

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Clash of the Titans or the Loons?

Now this could be fun to watch. On Wednesday former State Board of Education member Terri Leo, a Republican from Spring northwest of Houston, announced that she’s running for the Texas House of Representatives. She’s seeking the seat of incumbent state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, who is seeking re-election. Both Leo and Riddle orbit on the outer […]

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Pro-Public Ed Pastor Group Files Texas Court Brief Rejecting Tax-Funded Vouchers for Religious Schools

Pastors for Texas Children, a pro-public education group, is warning that the creation of a “parallel private system of education” funded with tax dollars — through vouchers or other schemes — would violate the Texas Constitution and harm the religious schools proponents of such a system want to fund. That warning came in a brief the group filed on Tuesday […]

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Kentucky Clerk Refuses to Do Her Taxpayer-Funded Job, Cites ‘God’s Authority’

A Kentucky county clerk is still refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of such unions and the high court’s refusal on Monday to protect her “right” to not do her job. So here’s what happened when a gay couple showed up in her office — […]

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David Barton Lectures Pope Francis (Really)

On his Monday WallBuilders Live! radio program, phony historian and religious-right propagandist David Barton decided to lecture Pope Francis about the advice he gets. Yeah, seriously. Barton and his sidekick Rick Green invited anti-climate science crank William Briggs on their show to criticize Pope Francis for his June encyclical calling climate change a “principal challenge” for humanity. International leaders and […]

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