2015 in Quotes: The Right’s LGBT Obsession I

Today we begin our traditional review of the most offensive, ridiculous and otherwise outrageous quotes we heard from the right over the past 12 months. Demonizing and promoting discrimination against LGBT people is one of the overriding obsessions of the right in America today. That was even more true this year, when the U.S. Supreme Court […]

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Houston Hate-Monger Steve Hotze: Transgender People Are Promoting a ‘Satanic Movement’

That’s Houston hate-monger Steve Hotze talking about transgender people on Sam Malone’s right-wing radio program this past Monday. Hotze continues to take his victory lap following the repeal of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance last month. Just listen to how Hotze and Malone ridicule and demonize transgender people. The ignorance and brazen bigotry would be shocking coming from […]

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The Religious Intolerance of Greg Abbott

With the holidays upon us, religious righters and the politicians who pander to them are looking for any excuse to scream about a mythical “war on Christmas” and dream up new “threats” to religious freedom. The latest example comes to us from the city of Orange in Southeast Texas. Orange city officials have decided to remove a Christmas […]

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2015 Claytie Award: Help Us Choose the Most Outrageous Quote from the Texas Right This Year

Sometimes at the end of the year, the best thing you can say in review is, “It could’ve been worse.” And starting with the legislative session that kicked off 2015, it’s absolutely true – it could have been worse. But thanks to our more than 100,000 supporters and amazing partners, we kept a lot of […]

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Barton Sidekick Rick ‘Food Stamp Recipients Are Like Wild Animals’ Green Runs for Texas Supreme Court Again

Ethics-challenged Rick Green, longtime sidekick of religious-right propagandist David Barton, is trying once again to win a seat on the Texas Supreme Court. He filed this week for the high court’s Place 5. He’ll face incumbent Paul Green in the Republican primary. Rick Green co-hosts the WallBuilders Live! radio program with Barton. Barton is the founder and head […]

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