Do Texas Tea Party Lawmakers Support Rapists over Victims?

We told you over the holidays about Texas state Rep. Jonathan Stickland’s offensive “joke” about marital rape: “Rape is non existent in marriage, take what you want my friend!” Since then, Scott Braddock of the Austin-based political website Quorum Report has reported that Stickland, R-Fort Worth, is one of five Tea Partiers in the Texas House who voted […]

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Anti-abortion Texas Lawmaker Apparently Thought Rape Was a Joking Matter

Scott Braddock of the Austin-based online political website Quorum Report has come across a stunningly callous and offensive comment state Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Fort Worth, made some years back in an online forum: “Rape is non existent in marriage, take what you want my friend!” Stickland, a hero of tea partiers and religious-righters, apparently made the shocking […]

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2015 in Quotes: The War on Science

The right’s contempt for facts is especially evident when it comes to issues like climate change and evolution. Here’s some of the science denialism we heard from the right on in 2015. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard from the right in 2015.) “I’m going to punt on that one as well. That’s a question […]

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