Activists Call on Supreme Court to Stop Politicians from Restricting Access to Safe, Legal Abortion

AUSTIN – Recounting the state’s central place in a decades-long battle, reproductive health care advocates in Texas today called upon the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down a draconian law that undermines the court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 establishing the right to abortion. […]

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Texas Ed Board Candidate: My Claim That President Obama Was a Gay Prostitute Is ‘Accurate’

Mary Lou Bruner, a Republican candidate running for the Texas State Board of Education seat in East Texas, is standing by her claims that President Obama is a drug addict who funded his habit by being a gay prostitute. From an article today on the far-right blog Breitbart: […]

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Bruner Isn’t the Only Religious-Righter in Texas Ed Board Race

We’ve already told you about Mary Lou “President Obama Was a Gay Prostitute” Bruner, who is seeking the Republican nomination for the District 9 seat on the Texas State Board of Education. The political activist and retired teacher appears to have the support of a number of religious-right and tea-party activists. But a candidate forum hosted by […]

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Texas Anti-Abortion Politicians Attack Researchers Who Report Inconvenient Facts

UPDATE: It appears Sen. Nelson and other anti-abortion Republicans got their pound of flesh. One of the state researchers who was a co-author on the report noted below is stepping down from his job. Here’s the chilling lesson for state workers: politicians don’t want to hear the facts about how their policies are hurting women and families. And […]

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Texas Senate Hearing Today Was Really about Justifying Discrimination against LGBT People

Today’s hearing of the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee was billed as an examination of how to protect religious liberty, but it was really about what we expected it would be: justifying discrimination against LGBT people. In fact, halfway through the hearing, it became clear that religious-right activists and committee members were especially interested in relitigating […]

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