They’re STILL Lying to Voters

We just got a look at the new candidate questionnaire from Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of the far-right group Focus on the Family. None of the questions are particularly surprising — they hit the list of issues typical for this group (such as abstinence-only/sex education, anti-gay discrimination, Ten Commandments in public schools, private school […]

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Seriously Out of Touch

Can they get any sillier? Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of the far-right group Focus on the Family, just sent out a statement claiming that today’s Senate confirmation of Elena Kagan as a U.S. Supreme Court justice “will most likely move the Court even further to the left.” “Even further to the left”? That kind […]

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Blame Hitler or Darwin?

During the debate over science curriculum standards in Texas early last year, anti-science fanatics argued that serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer’s depravity was the result of “believing” in evolution. Yeah, that was pretty crazy. But it’s not any crazier than the more common smear tactic of tying the acceptance of evolutionary science to Nazi Germany. The far-right […]

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Proposed Resolution Hits Texas Ed Board

The hits keep coming. Last Friday Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas, filed a U.S. House resolution criticizing the Texas State Board of Education‘s recklessly political revision of social studies curriculum standards for public schools. The resolution has four other sponsors, all members of Congress from Texas: Solomon Ortiz, D-Corpus Christi, Ruben Hinojosa, D-Mercedes, Silvestre Reyes, […]

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