Disingenuous Cynthia Dunbar Unites Texas Ed Board Against Her Textbook

The often deeply divided Texas State Board of Education just voted unanimously — 14-0 — to reject the controversial and error-plagued Mexican American Heritage textbook. (Board member David Bradley, R-Beaumont, was absent.) The board must vote again on Friday, but it would be very surprising if the board reverses today’s decision. It’s ironic that Cynthia Dunbar, whose company […]

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Today the State Board of Education heard public testimony about the error-plagued, deeply offensive Mexican American Heritage textbook proposed for Texas public schools. Tuesday morning the Texas Freedom Network helped organize a press conference featuring widely respected scholars and community advocates who called on the state board to #RejectTheText. Here’s the press release we sent out […]

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TFN Calls for Investigation into Whether Texas SBOE Member Is Violating State’s Open Records Law

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today is calling on the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office to investigate whether State Board of Education (SBOE) member David Bradley, R-Beaumont, has improperly withheld board-related emails subject to requests under the Texas open records law. […]

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Abbott, Patrick, Paxton Join Hate Campaign Against Same-Sex Married Couples in Texas

The highest Republican elected officials in Texas have now officially joined the appalling campaign to use state and local governments to discriminate against legally married same-sex couples. Let’s be clear: this is nothing more than a shameful effort to validate the hatred of religious-righters for LGBT Texans and their families. […]

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