Religious-Righters Gone Wild!

The annual Values Voter Summit has become something like “spring break” for religious-righters — except without the booze and naughty behavior. (Well, maybe. Who knows these days?) OK, so maybe it’s not really like “spring break.” Still, the VVS is where you can see the religious right in all its intolerant and anti-science glory. Talking […]

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More Extremist Gay-Baiting in Houston

The far-right Houston Area Pastor Council is still trying to stir up anti-gay bigotry down on the Gulf Coast. An email blast from the extremist group today calls on pastors to attend a “‘Stand for Houston’ Citywide Pastor Luncheon” on Oct. 11: There has never been a more important time for the pastors of Houston […]

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A Lynch Mob Strategy

Lynch mobs don’t care about facts. And lynch mobs made up of politicians and pressure groups really, really don’t care about facts. What they care about is manufacturing rage to advance political agendas. And that brings us to the story of a gay teacher and one of his students in a Fort Worth high school. […]

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The Politics of ‘Reclaiming Texas for Christ’

Religious-right leaders and activists in Texas will converge October 20 on Lewisville near Dallas for the second annual “Reclaiming Texas for Christ” conference. It sure seems from the conference program that what’s really going on here is another cynical effort to use faith to advance a political agenda. […]

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