The Week in Quotes (Nov. 3 – 9)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Southern Methodist University political scientist Calvin Jillson, on the possibility of a David Barton primary challenge to Texas Sen. John Cornyn.

When I get down on my bony knees this evening, it will be to pray that David Barton runs. That would be a great show.

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David Barton, announcing he will not seek to unseat Texas Sen. John Cornyn in next year’s Republican primary.

But right now, I believe my role is to continue educating, equipping and inspiring citizens through the work we do at WallBuilders.

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David Barton, asserting that climate change was an example of God’s judgment “on the spot” for sins like abortion.

A door has been opened and we have said, ‘You know, we embraced a wicked policy.’ Okay, then I’ll take my hand of protection off your nation and whap, here comes storms like we’ve never seen before. And here comes floods like we’ve never seen before. And here comes the climate stuff that we can’t explain. All the hot times and all the cold times. Too much rain and not enough rain. And we’re flooding over here and we’ve got droughts over here.

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Retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin, claiming that members of the military have considered staging a coup d’état against President Obama.

People I’ve spoken to would like to see the military ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president,’

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Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

You know most Americans have their head in the sand about evolution. I’ve met so many Christians that tell me ‘well, evolution is a scientific fact.’ Baloney! I am a scientist, there is nothing scientific about evolution. But you know something, Karl Marx said it, ‘I can use the teachings of Darwin to promote communism.’ Why? Because communism, or call it socialism if you think communism is too hard a word, necessitates for government to be your god and for government to be your god they need to destroy the concept of God. That’s why communism and evolution go hand in hand. Evolution is one of the strongest tools of Marxism because if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist.

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Illinois state Rep. Greg Harris, the chief sponsor of a marriage equality bill that was approved Tuesday. The state’s governor has promised he’ll sign the bill into law.

I think it is a day that Illinois can now hold up its head proudly among our sister states, but more importantly, there are thousands of gay and lesbian families across the Unites States that can tell their kids tonight that they’re valued and have equal rights with their neighbors.

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Rafael Cruz, father of Texas Senate Ted Cruz, speaking in a lecture laying out God’s positions on the death penalty, guns in schools, gay marriage, communism and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

You know, the Bible is so clear. Go to Genesis chapter nine and you will find the death penalty clearly stated in Genesis chapter nine … God ordains the death penalty!

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3 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Nov. 3 – 9)

  1. General Boykin and his friends can rest assured that I and approximately 180,000,000 other Americans would be in full support of making sure that they spend the rest of their natural born lives in that hell hole at Guantanomo Bay if they were to ever try it. The right wing extemists in this country need to wake up to the fact that they are now an increasingly unpopular minority group and reckless stupidity is not an American value.

    Rafe Cruz needs to wake up to the verse in the Bible that says God is full of mercy. Modern science has already shown that there was no great worldwide Noah flood that killed all of mankind. Heck, we had Late Archaic Period American Indians by the ton tromping around normal as you please when this flood was supposed to have occurred. It appears that God decided to have mercy on mankind and not carry out the death penalty.

    The problem with the Religious Right and the Tea Party is that they love death. They want a lot of death. They would like to kill the people that disagree with their politics because they are a threat to their warped vision of a bizarro “Americuh.” They would spend their last dime to save a fetus but not give a flip in hell about taking out two liberal parents and their nonfetus children.

  2. So, Retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin wants a coup d’etat. I may be wrong, but I think that a retired flag officer can be recalled into active duty. Let’s get him back into uniform, and then court-martial the hell out of him for treason in violation of his oath of office.

  3. The Calvin Jillson quote is ambiguous. Does he want Barton to run because he agrees with him or because he expects it to be a disaster (Barton winning the primary and losing the general)? I guess we can discount the option that he just wants it for the entertainment value.

    As for Barton, he probably knows the old chess rule that the threat is stronger than the execution.

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