Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller just issued the following statement following today’s U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down state bans on same-sex marriage: “Today’s historic court decision for the freedom to marry joins other landmark rulings that have moved this country closer to the Constitution’s promise of equality under the law for all Americans. […]
So What Exactly Does ‘Traditional’ Marriage Mean?
The folks at the Texas Pastor Council, like other religious-righters, are growing increasingly desperate in their attacks on the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. In an email today to supporters, the Pastor Council’s Dave Welch calls for “press conferences, rallies, marches and civil disobedience” if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down bans […]
San Antonio Pastor Plays Constitutional Scholar, Social Scientist, Historian in Marriage Debate
It doesn’t take long before religious-right opponents of the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples turn to fear-mongering about pedophilia and insist that civil laws be based on the Bible. Consider, for example, a “town hall” discussion Tuesday on San Antonio radio station KTSA. The discussion featured Daniel McNeel “Neel” Lane, the plaintiffs’ attorney in the […]
Ted Cruz’s Dad Attacks the Faith of Catholic and Jewish Democrats
Religious-righters spend a lot of time these days screaming “persecution!” when they’re not allowed to use religion to discriminate against people they don’t like. So it’s more than just a bit hypocritical when they question the religious faith of people who don’t share their political views. That’s what Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator from […]
Oh Please, Don, Let Us Roll Our Eyes at You Even Harder
On Thursday Donna Bahorich was appointed the new chair of the Texas State Board of Education. In this Houston Chronicle story on Bahorich’s appointment, a former chair, Don McLeroy, left the following comment: I find it ironic that it its Mr. Ratliff, and the Texas Freedom Network(By the way, thank you for not including them […]