Social conservatives have long pointed to the constitutional bar on government-sponsored prayer in public schools as the source of many of society’s ills. Just last week, when a gunman opened fire in a crowded movie theater, some trotted out the “If only we had prayer in schools” argument as a solution for preventing such tragedies. […]
Fischer Blames Colorado Shootings on Teaching Evolution, Ending State-Sponsored School Prayer
Bryan Fischer, a spokesman for a hate group that Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked to help organize his prayer extravaganza in Houston last August, is blaming the horrific Colorado theater shootings last week on teaching students about evolution. Raw Story reports what Fischer, the director of issues analysis for the American Family Association, said on […]
Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert Defends Anti-Muslim Smears, Calls John McCain ‘Numb Nut’
East Texas Congressman Louie “Terror Baby” Gohmert today defended the accusations and smears he and four other members of the U.S. House of Representatives have been aiming at Muslim Americans serving in the U.S. government. But he probably didn’t help himself when he directly insulted the Republican Party’s 2008 presidential nominee, U.S. Sen. John McCain. […]
Hypocrite Alert: Texas Ed Board Member Ken Mercer Blames ‘the Left’ for Curriculum Changes HE Passed
Members of the creationist bloc on the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) have mistated the truth so often that they can’t even keep their own distortions straight. Case in point: Speaking on Saturday at the “Texas Freedom Rally at the Alamo” in San Antonio, SBOE member Ken Mercer told Tea Party activists some real […]
Early Voting This Week for Texas SBOE Runoff Elections
The party primary elections of May 29 decided most things, but not everything. Starting today, if you live in certain Texas State Board of Education districts, you get a second shot at making an impact on the board and on public education in Texas. Early voting begins today, and runs through Friday, for the July […]