We just sent out the following press release: The president of the Texas Freedom Network today called on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to decline an award from an activist group whose leader says President Obama is “anti-Christian” and an “enemy” of America, compares the president and other Democratic leaders to Nazis, calls Houston’s twice-elected […]
These People Sound Like Nuts
So why is it hard to take right-wing critics of the CSCOPE curriculum system in Texas seriously? Check out this recent newspaper advertisement published by a Tea Party group near Austin: “The schools have declared war on our children in the form of C-SCOPE curriculum — COMMUNIST, MARXIST, PROGRESSIVE, LEFTIST DOGMA, PROPAGANDA, AND INDOCTRINATION at […]
God, Guns and Greg Abbott
The image below comes from the political campaign of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Where to begin? Perhaps with the fact that the Bible is, in fact, taught in public schools. Sometimes unconstitutionally, but it is. Here’s TFN’s report on such classes. Or maybe we should start by noting Tuesday’s Texas Senate Education Committee hearing, […]
A Minister Gets Sermon on Morality from Legislative Staffers
TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from Rev. Beth Ellen Cooper of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church. Rev. Cooper participated in TFN’s clergy gathering earlier this week in support of access to birth control and state funding for family planning. She blogs regularly for the Houston Chronicle at Keep the Faith. Process Matters […]
Texas SBOE Chair Praises 'Leading Historian' David Barton, Who Gets His History from Louis L'Amour
At her Texas Senate Nominations Committee hearing last month, State Board of Education Chairwoman Barbara Cargill made a number of commitments should her appointment to a second term be confirmed. (It was.) Among those was a commitment to beef up qualifications required for individuals appointed by SBOE members to serve as “expert” advisers during the […]