Another Science FAIL at American Family Association

Bryan Fischer, the minister of propaganda for the hate group American Family Association, is one of the far right’s most prominent climate-change deniers. He sarcastically tweets today: Catastrophic global warming alert: Colorado gets five inches of snow. IN APRIL.… — Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) April 23, 2013 Fischer thinks an April snowfall in Colorado is […]

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Rick Green Wonders: Are Mass Murderers All Democrats?

Far-right former Texas legislator Rick Green ran for the Texas Supreme Court in 2010 (he lost), makes speeches for David Barton’s WallBuilders’ outfit about “compelling historical and Biblical facts that create interest and inspire patriotism,” and runs his so-called Patriot Academy “to equip a new generation of leaders to champion the cause of freedom and […]

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Positive Developments Today on the Texas SBOE's CSCOPE Review

In addition to passing a resolution today opposing private school vouchers, the Texas State Board of Education also passed a resolution dealing with its review of the CSCOPE curriculum management system. We noted some serious concerns regarding that review yesterday. What we heard during the CSCOPE discussion today, however, was encouraging. Most importantly, a number […]

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Texas SBOE's CSCOPE Review Is Already Raising Red Flags

The anti-CSCOPE witch hunt marches onward, now with the “official/unofficial” help of the Texas State Board of Education. Unless responsible parties act soon, the state board’s “review” could turn into yet another embarrassing political circus for Texas. We just sent out the following press release. The president of the Texas Freedom Network warns that the […]

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More on Those CSCOPE Lessons

Educator Ed Darrell has been digging into the far right’s anti-CSCOPE witch hunt on his illuminating and wonderfully named blog, Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub. He has some good information on the lessons right-wingers have been distorting in their absurd attempts to smear the folks behind that curriculum management system, which is used in hundreds of Texas […]

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