Ted Cruz’s Dad Attacks the Faith of Catholic and Jewish Democrats

Religious-righters spend a lot of time these days screaming “persecution!” when they’re not allowed to use religion to discriminate against people they don’t like. So it’s more than just a bit hypocritical when they question the religious faith of people who don’t share their political views. That’s what Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator from […]

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Senate Republicans Block Effort to Overturn Supreme Court's Anti-Birth Control Ruling

All but three Senate Republicans voted today to block legislation preventing employers from imposing their religious views on workers who want access to contraception. The 56-43 vote failed to end a Republican filibuster against the “Not My Boss’s Business Act.” That bill would overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling in June that allows for-profit companies to refuse, for religious […]

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Texas Politicians Make the Case for Upholding State Bans on Interracial Marriage

In some ways, at least, that’s what it has sounded like since U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia on Wednesday struck down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage. If many of  the complaints we heard from politicians and activists on the right sounded familiar, they should have: they’re essentially the same ones Americans heard when the […]

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Et tu, Ted Cruz?

How extreme are many of the folks who make up the Tea Party brigades who so joyfully helped elect Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate? Check out Sen. Cruz’s Facebook page to see what happened when he said something respectful about Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday. South Africa’s white government imprisoned Mandela for nearly […]

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Ted Cruz Wants to Teach about the History of Conservatism

It seems that the far right these days is increasingly populated by political propagandists (like David Barton) and unhinged talk show hosts (like Glenn Beck) who fancy themselves as historians and political scientists. Add to that list U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who is joining with right-wing talk show host Mark Levin to teach […]

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