Texas Public School Bible Courses: ‘The Bible Is Inspired by God’

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s newest study of Texas public school Bible courses reveals that many of these classes promote faith beliefs as fact. Such courses clearly veer from the academic to the devotional, violating both Texas law and the U.S. Constitution. The report, Reading, Writing & Religion II: Texas Public School Bible Courses in 2011-12 […]

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David Barton: Hey, I Was Just 'Passing on Information'!

David Barton must be getting some heat after comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in a Twitter post yesterday. In fact, he made the same comparison in a post on his David Barton/WallBuilders Facebook page: “The men who support your right to bear arms: Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton- Those who do not: […]

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David Barton Compares President Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Castro

David Barton — the far right’s favorite phony “historian,” a former Texas Republican Party vice chairman, and the head of the right-wing Texas-based group WallBuilders — is so classless and has such contempt for American voters that he’s comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro. “The men who support your right […]

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