American Hate Association?

Sarah Posner writes about the American Family Association, one of the oldest, most influential and most radical of the nation’s religious-right organizations. Founded in 1977 in Mississippi by Don Wildmon, over the years the organization has become increasingly hateful and intolerant — toward non-Christians, political opponents, minorities and even AFA’s own employees, apparently. Excerpt: “(W)hile […]

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‘Black Storm’: FDR, Obama = Hitler, Stalin

It’s getting harder and harder to feel shocked at the extremism emanating from right-wing groups in American politics. But a bizarre, ham-handed and paranoid press release today from a Houston-based group called Patriot PAC should be shocking. The press release touts “Operation Black Storm,” which supports the candidacy of 15 African-American Republicans for Congress. (Seriously? […]

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Manipulating the Faithful

You have to wonder how religious-right activists justify breaking the biblical commandment against lying so often. Dave Welch of the Houston Area Pastor Council seems to play fast and loose with the truth almost routinely. The latest example: Welch’s group is disingenuously warning Houston voters that a streets and drainage measure on the city ballot […]

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Don’t Eat the Soup! It’s Pro-Muslim!

Well, who knew soup could be so dangerous to democracy? At least, that’s what promoters of the growing and increasingly bizarre anti-Muslim hate campaign would seem to think. This week right-wing blogger Pamela Geller called for a boycott of Campell’s Soup because Campbell’s Canada now sells soup certified as Halal by the Islamic Society of […]

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Do Republicans Hate Christianity?

That seems to be a fair question. After all, a number of Republicans continue to praise the Texas State Board of Education‘s passage last month of a resolution criticizing social textbooks for — allegedly — being anti-Christian and pro-Islamic. In fact, here is Texas state Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, echoing the claims made by Republican […]

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