Politics and the Pulpit

Some good news from a new survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press: just 5 percent of people who attend religious services at least once or twice a month say that their clergy or other religious groups have urged them to vote in a particular way. That survey makes it […]

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How Gov. Perry Is Failing Texas Teens

Garrett Mize is the Youth Advocacy Coordinator at the Texas Freedom Network and heads up TFN’s Youth Leadership Council, the Texas portion of Advocates for Youth’s Cultural Advocacy and Mobilization Initiative. Garrett writes below about Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s tortured defense of abstinence-only sex education programs. “It worked for me,” is essentially all that our […]

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Governor: Abstinence Worked for Me!

Pull up a seat and watch this two-minute clip of Texas Governor Rick Perry mounting the most tortured defense of abstinence-only education you’ll ever encounter. Watch live video from Texas Tribune on Justin.tv For those of you who lack the stomach to watch the clip for yourself, here’s the gist. When asked why he continues […]

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Beck: No ‘Half-Monkey, Half-Human’ Out There!

Glenn Beck on the radio today, rejecting evolutionary science (audio clip from Media Matters): “I don’t think we came from monkeys. I think that’s ridiculous. I haven’t seen the  half-monkey, half-person yet. Did evolution just stop? … There’s no other species that is developing into half-human?” That argument sound familiar? You might recall that Texas […]

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Dave Welch Calls Judge a ‘Domestic Enemy’

Dave Welch, the extremist who runs an outfit called the Houston Area Pastor Council, is now claiming that a federal judge who recently ruled against the Pentagon’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy against gay military servicemembers is a “domestic enemy” guilty of treason. From his screed at the right-wing, conspiracy-peddling website World Net Daily: “U.S. […]

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