Houston Chronicle Slams ‘Bathroom’ Nonsense from Pro-Discrimination Extremists

Even before the Houston City Council passed the Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) in May of last year, opponents claimed — without a shred of evidence — that the anti-discrimination measure would allow sexual predators into public restrooms to assault women and children. That cynical and deeply disingenuous claim is the central argument HERO opponents are making in their campaign to repeal the […]

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Even Fox News Gets It

When it comes to Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk now in jail for refusing to federal obey a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, even some of the folks at Fox News are getting it right. Here is commentator Gregg Jarrett speaking in a Fox News panel discussion he hosted on Monday: “When […]

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See What You’ve Done Now? You’ve Made Ted Cruz Angry

Earlier today we saw this piece in the Dallas Morning News that observed how Sen. Ted Cruz had taken a more measured tone than his Republican presidential rivals on the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk still refusing to obey the law and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But that was before […]

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Lies from the Religious Right Target Abortion and Equality

Faith leaders teach that lying is a sin. So why do religious-righters distort the truth so shamelessly in pushing their extreme political agenda? You can see at least two big examples in Texas right now. One of the biggest falsehoods religious-right groups are pushing right now is the claim that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to help exterminate the […]

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