Former Texas GOP Chair Joins the Right’s Worship of Putin’s Russia

What is it with the American right’s love affair with Vladimir Putin’s Russia these days? Tom Pauken, who served as chair of the Texas Republican Party in the 1990s and currently supports Donald Trump for president, tweeted this morning that Russia is “returning to its Christian roots” while the United States is “going in the opposite direction.” […]

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#LoveWins Anniversary: Five TX Far-Right Predictions that Never Came True

One year ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, ruled that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry. The ruling legalized marriage for all in the states where it wasn’t already allowed, including Texas. Same-sex marriage in Texas has been fiercely opposed by far-right politicians and religious-right groups both before and […]

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Matt Krause Just Doesn’t Get It

We told you a few days ago how state Rep. Matt Krause, R-Fort Worth, thinks it “doesn’t matter” that the victims massacred in the June 12 mass shooting in Orlando were LGBT. The shooter could have chosen his victims simply because the Pulse nightclub was a “gun free” zone, he absurdly argued. Now Rep. Krause is once again demonstrating […]

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No Religion Has a Monopoly on Extremism

Politicians and activists on the right — including here in Texas — want people to ignore the fact that the Orlando shooter targeted a nightclub specifically for LGBT people in the June 12 massacre. “It doesn’t matter why this man picked this particular target,” said state Rep. Matt Krause, for example. Rep. Krause has already said that […]

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