The Religious Right, Guns and White Supremacists

We have pointed out numerous times that the religious right is, fundamentally, a political movement that uses faith as a weapon to divide and conquer. That’s why you see religious-right groups like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association line up behind Republican politicians on issues ranging from taxes to business and environmental […]

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David Barton: Hey, I Was Just 'Passing on Information'!

David Barton must be getting some heat after comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in a Twitter post yesterday. In fact, he made the same comparison in a post on his David Barton/WallBuilders Facebook page: “The men who support your right to bear arms: Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton- Those who do not: […]

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David Barton Compares President Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Castro

David Barton — the far right’s favorite phony “historian,” a former Texas Republican Party vice chairman, and the head of the right-wing Texas-based group WallBuilders — is so classless and has such contempt for American voters that he’s comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro. “The men who support your right […]

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David Barton: 'Hate Is a Virtue'

It appears that David Barton is continuing his trek through the gutters of hate into 2013. On his New Year’s Day radio program, the Texas right-winger compared liberals to Nazis and preached that “intolerance” and “hatred” of both are good things. From our friends at Right Wing Watch: “So we’ve got to get to the […]

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Is This One of David Barton’s Favorite Winger Websites?

Looks like David Barton enjoys trolling at least one website filled with right-wing hysteria about FEMA concentration camps, President Obama’s complicity in the murder of a U.S. ambassador and an America on the verge of a new civil war. And check out this Twitter post from the religious right’s favorite phony historian and pseudo-constitutional scholar: […]

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