The evolution wars in Texas are still simmering, but creationists in Kansas have suffered a series of routs in recent years. Chalk up another on Tuesday, when the Kansas State Board of Education adopted new curriculum standards that require students in all grades to learn about evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts. Creationists […]
TFN and Bill Nye the Science Guy
If you were watching our Facebook page this week, you may have noticed a series of silhouetted pictures teasing a big announcement of this year’s celebrity guest for TFN’s EPIC Evening. Well, we’re very proud and honored to reveal that the person depicted by a silhouette in those images is Bill Nye the Science Guy. […]
Texas Home School Coalition Convention to Feature Prominent Creationist Speaker
First, let’s make clear that the Texas Freedom Network doesn’t oppose the right of parents to educate their children at home. Nor does TFN oppose the right of private organizations to invite whomever they wish to speak to members at their convention. And finally, we realize that people choose to home-school their children for many […]
Discovery Institute Plays 'I Have a Secret'
As the Texas State Board of Education prepares to adopt new science textbooks for public schools this year, we expect to see plenty of junk science thrown around by evolution deniers. And among the most prominent evolution deniers are the folks at the Discovery Institute — the Seattle-based outfit that promotes the concept of “intelligent […]
UT Science Profs to Legislators: Don't Mess with Science
Update: HB 285 has been pulled from today’s House Higher Education Committee hearing. We will let you know when it comes up for consideration again. ——————————————– Earlier: Texas scientists have gotten wind of Rep. Bill Zedler’s proposed legislation forcing the state’s colleges and universities to validate and support “intelligent design.” And they’re not happy. We’ve […]