Why Do You Think Obama Worships Satan?

OneNewsNow, the far-right website that bills itself as a source of the “latest news from a Christian perspective,” might as well have included that question in its “poll” of readers Wednesday. The website posted an Associated Press article reporting President Obama’s comments about his Christian faith. Then readers were invited to take part in this […]

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Religious Freedom and America

Some critics have continually and absurdly attacked President Obama for supposedly not calling out the murderers behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, for supposedly not talking about his Christian faith (if, indeed, they even believe he’s a Christian) and for supposedly being too pro-Muslim (whatever that means). So we thought this response by President Obama to […]

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Faith, Politics and Muslim-Baiting

A piece in the Washington Post today reveals insights into President Obama’s Christian faith — and gives readers some perspective into how easily the right uses faith as a weapon to divide Americans for political gain. The story notes a circle of Christian spiritual advisers who privately counsel and pray with the president and begins […]

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Has Peter Marshall Come Unhinged?

Reading his increasingly vitriolic commentaries, one begins to question the Rev. Peter Marshall‘s grasp of reality. Yet the State Board of Education put him in a prominent position to influence what millions of public school children in Texas will learn in their social studies classrooms. The mind still reels at the thought. In any case, […]

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The Lie That Won’t Die

Remember when we told you how Cathie Adams, when she served as head of the far-right group Texas Eagle Forum, arrogantly questioned the religious faith of President Obama? Today we saw a perfect example of why that kind of religious bigotry continues to make the political rounds. The far-right website OneNewsNow — “the day’s stories […]

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