Texas GOP Congressman Accuses Democratic Opponent of Baby-Killing, Rejecting God

In a repulsive attempt to use faith, fear and smears as political weapons, freshman Republican Congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco of San Antonio is trying to persuade voters that he has Jesus on his side in his re-election campaign against a fellow Roman Catholic he says votes to kill babies. Canseco’s campaign has been bombarding voters […]

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Akin’s Claims Not New in Texas

You might want to sit down for this one: Todd Akin’s claim that a raped woman’s body will somehow shut down a pregnancy before it even happens is not supported by science. (I know, you’re shocked.) And, ironically, one of the most prominent elected officials now calling for Akin to step aside is endorsed by […]

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Barton Peddles Lie That Obama Administration Calls All Abortion Opponents ‘Terrorists’

Despite claiming to be a Bible-believing Christian, David Barton seems to have no qualms about breaking the biblical commandment against bearing false witness. Today, for example, Barton tweeted the following nonsense: “Apparently protecting life makes you a terrorist now: Obama Admin Calls Pro-Lifers Terrorists Again” Barton’s tweet then links to an article on the anti-abortion […]

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A War on Modern Medical Care?

Does the religious right want to limit pregnant women’s access to modern medical care? It’s beginning to look that way. This past weekend Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum — endorsed by religious-right leaders meeting at a Texas ranch in January — came out in opposition to requiring that health insurance cover prenatal testing at no […]

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Texas RR Groups Push War on Contraception

UPDATE: A CBS News/New York Times poll released yesterday shows that a large majority of Americans — including 61 percent of Catholics — appear to support the new rule requiring insurance plans to cover contraception even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. *** Some religious-right groups in Texas are eagerly entering the war on […]

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