Bush Faith-Based Plan Undermines Safety & Science

Bush Faith-Based Plan Undermines Safety & Science FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2003Austin, TX The President’s proposal to divert millions of dollars to faith-based substance abuse programs would rollback decades of scientific practice and jeopardize people in need, according to the watchdog group the Texas Freedom Network. “The President’s proposal to fund religious drug treatment […]

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Bush Faith-Based Action Follows Disastrous Texas Model

Bush Faith-Based Action Follows Disastrous Texas Model FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 12, 2002 Washington, DC As President Bush turned to executive orders today to implement much of his beleaguered Faith-Based Initiative, advocates from his home state say the same approach had disastrous consequences in Texas. In a report released earlier this year, the Texas Freedom […]

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Far Right’s Changes To Textbooks Prompt Thousands Of Outraged Letters To State, Publishers Opposing Textbook Censorship

Far Right’s Changes To Textbooks Prompt Thousands Of Outraged Letters To State, Publishers Opposing Textbook Censorship FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 12, 2002 AUSTIN, TX Two days before the State Board of Education votes on proposed Social Studies texts, dozens of people gathered for a press conference on the steps of the Texas Capitol to protest […]

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SBOE Adopts Social Studies Textbooks After Religious Right Revamp

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 15, 2002 Austin, TX The State Board of Education today made its final vote to adopt proposed Social Studies textbooks that critics say have been substantially revised by Religious Right groups. Critics challenge that many changes made to the books adopted today do not simply correct factual errors, as state law […]

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Publishers Make Creationist, Anti-Muslim Changes To Pass Religious Right Litmus Test

Publishers Make Creationist, Anti-Muslim Changes To Pass Religious Right Litmus Test FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2002 Austin, TX Texas textbook publishers have made public the changes they agreed to make to Social Studies texts in response to comments during this year’s public hearing process. Changes made at the request of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum […]

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