Texas Sen. Bob Hall’s Unhinged, Anti-Common Core Rant: Sex, Race, and the Bible

TFN neither supports nor opposes Common Core, standards that states across the country came together to develop and implement in their public schools. But we’re fascinated by the almost unhinged rants from right-wing activists and politicians who hate those standards for English/language arts and mathematics. Take, for example, what East Texas state Sen. Bob Hall, R-Edgewood, says about Common Core. […]

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Texas Sen. Van Taylor: Making Things Up

Visiting the Twitter feed of Texas state Sen. Van Taylor, R-Plano, is an adventure in conspiracy land. His feed is full of hair-on-fire posts about topics like “liberal fascism,” Obamacare, the supposed “fast and furious” gun scandal and Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now he’s going after the Obama administration for, supposedly, wanting to prosecute people for disagreeing with him about climate […]

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Ted Cruz Shows Trump’s Campaign Doesn’t Have a Monopoly on Hate

As Donald Trump swept most of the Republican presidential primaries on Tuesday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tried to portray himself as the only real alternative for GOP voters. But Cruz didn’t spend much (if any) time criticizing the Trump campaign for its hateful divisiveness. There’s a reason for that: Cruz’s campaign is infected with the same […]

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