Political Extremism and Curriculum Standards

In March the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) ambushed teachers and others who have been working to revise social studies curriculum standards for the state’s public schools. TPPF charged that the curriculum writing teams — made up of teachers, academics and others — were drafting standards that left out important historical figures such as George Washington […]

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Save the Date: SBOE Candidate Training

We have seen over the past year more public interest in the State Board of Education than at any time since Texas Freedom Network’s founding in 1995. As the board has lurched from one “culture war” battle to another, more and more people have stepped forward to demand that the board stop putting politics ahead of the […]

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TFN’s Legislative Recap

Check out Texas Freedom Network’s recap of the regular session of the 2009 Texas Legislature. Our recap includes a list of bills on which TFN focused its efforts and notes on how those bills fared during the session. […]

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‘Culture Wars’ Still Disruptive in Texas

In an op-ed column that has run in various newspapers (including in Houston and Austin), Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller explains how the recently ended legislative session demonstrates that the “culture wars” are still a divisive and disruptive influence in Texas politics. We are to publishing the op-ed for TFN  Insider readers here. Legislative […]

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Religious Freedom and Public Schools

The Texas Freedom Network has been stepping up efforts to protect the right of families to direct the religious education of their own children as the religious right’s assault on that freedom moves into high gear. The latest example of the right’s increasingly aggressive campaign: an Ohio teacher has filed a lawsuit claiming that public […]

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