Deconstructing David Barton

David Barton‘s much talked about appearance on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart is not going away, with lots of keystrokes and time being devoted to analyzing the faux historian’s comments and assertions. One of those doing some analyzing is Prof. John Fea. Prof. Fea’s analysis is particularly interesting because of his own résumé. Fea […]

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Catching Up with Cynthia Dunbar

When former State Board of Education member — and perennial TFN nemesis– Cynthia Noland Dunbar left the board last December after declining to run for a second term, some wondered if she was withdrawing from the culture wars, which she repeatedly stoked during her tenure on the board. She has been notably (and thankfully) absent […]

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TFN President Receives National Award

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller was honored last night at the 23rd annual Gloria Awards: A Salute to Women of Vision, which celebrates women who through their work and actions build the power to ignite social change across the nation. The awards were presented by the Ms. Foundation last night in New York and […]

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TFN Says Goodbye

Darn, there go our plans for the weekend. Word on the Internet is that the world will end Saturday. Since it’s on the Internet, it must be true. Especially if it’s on YouTube—it is, we checked—where state Rep. Leo Berman says those ‘Tubes are infallible. For the person who wins the Texas lotto on Saturday […]

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