“Saving America from Marxists and Progressives” is just one of the sessions at an upcoming right-wing confab being promoted by Eagle Forum and its far-right affiliate in Texas. The group promises that Eagle Council XL in Virginia next month (September 16-17) “will be a tremendous experience in training to accomplish our legislative and political goals.” […]
Recent Blogs
Our Day at The Response
After months of anticipation, protests, failed litigation, a constant guessing game about who — and how many — would be on stage and in the stands, Gov. Rick Perry’s and the American Family Association’s purportedly nonpolitical prayer and fasting rally, The Response, at Houston’s Reliant Stadium came and went on Saturday. TFN was there, not […]
The Week in Quotes (July 31 – Aug. 6)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Follow Our The Response Coverage
We are at Gov. Rick Perry’s The Response to observe. Follow our updates at Twitter.com/tfn and watch for #theresponse. […]
Rick Scarborough Rides Again
We haven’t heard from the president of the far-right, Texas-based group Vision America for a long time. But today Pastor Rick Scarborough sent out an email blast blaming the nation’s debt on immorality and promoting Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s Saturday prayer rally in Houston as a step toward solving the problem: “Billions of dollars are […]